New year, new term


We are well into the new year and time is flying through our spring half term.  We’ve returned full of good resolutions and a determination to learn, learn, learn.  So far, so good!  We have learned so much about what gifts the ancient Greeks left us.  We have done lots of interesting and informative writing and the Greek myths we have written are fabulous.  We have worked as historians to look at all the clues the ancient Greeks left behind and piece them together to find out about their lives and what they believed in . And how much they have influenced our lives today.

The ancient Greeks loved art and making things look beautiful.  We have been looking at their mosaics and are beginning to create our own.  You will see them very soon on the hall walls, so keep a look out for them.  Here are some pictures of us hard at work on them.


In year 3 there are some fabulous readers and lots of people are up to their Silver Stamp Card, some people even up to their Gold!  and Lewis is up to his Platinum – amazing.

Well done everybody, a great start to the New Year.

P.S – More good news… Isla won the word search competition!!


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