Wow, we’ve had a fantastic start to our new year.  Everybody has settled quickly and is so keen to learn.

Our new topic is based on the book Stitch Head by Guy Bass and it is turning out to be fantastic.  The book is quite scary and has some very strange characters in it but we are loving it.  In Literacy we have done all sorts of writing about it, for example we have written letters to the mad, bad Professor Erasmus, we have designed our own potions and lotions and even written recipes about how to actually make them!  At the moment we are learning all about non-chronological reports so that we can write a report about the creatures we are creating ourselves.

We’ve had all sorts of exciting things happen this half term.  We have had a squash taster session which was good fun.  We have also begun our weekly tennis coaching sessions with Kim.  Kim is really pleased with our progress so far but she’s also impressed with our enthusiasm to learn tennis.   We’ve completed the Grange North Rum even though it was cancelled due to the weather. We ran ours on a miserable, cold afternoon BUT everyone pushed themselves and tried their hardest to complete the run as fast as they could.  We have some very talented runners in our class and they have represented the school in the Northumberland SAA  cross country.  We have also begun weekly singing lessons with Mrs Knighton who teaches us all sorts of catchy songs.  We will perform our favourite, Sunshine, for you at the Harvest Assembly.

Well done to Emily, Catherine, Lewis and Oliver who have completed their bronze level Radical Reader stamp card and are already working on their silver award!

reading cert


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